Hey there! I hope you are well, safe, and staying in good spirits. My name is Alice and I am an Engineering student at the University of Nottingham. Today I am grateful to be able to contribute my thoughts and experience of this lockdown, spreading positivity and encouragement!  


In light of this very much unprecedented situation, I made the decision to fly back to my family in Malaysia 7 weeks ago. Despite the very serious reality of it all, I really believe that this is a time we can use to better ourselves and further discover and develop our inner beings and sense of purpose. We finally have all the time in the world, to sit down and reflect, devote ourselves to more self-love and self-development. I definitely believe this lockdown period has its silver linings, allowing Mother Earth to heal and regenerate and for us to reconnect with ourselves and invest our time wisely, from forming new hobbies, starting projects that we thought about but never initiated to reading books that have been sitting on our shelves for ages.


Personally, I have been keeping myself busy by taking up an online 30-day yoga challenge, disciplining myself to revise a few languages and finally picking up my guitar again! In the digital world we live in today, endless knowledge is at the tip of our fingertips – let’s make use of that!